Sensational director SS Rajamouli’s most awaited film Baahubali which has been under shoot for almost 2 year is ready to hit the theatres on July 10th in Telugu, Hindi, Tamil and Malayalam. The theatrical trailer has been released recently and received a good response and now the first video song of the film titled Mamathala Thalli has been released which is completed filled with mind blowing visuals and stunning action sequences.
Baahubali’s Mamathala Thalli Video Song
Sensational director SS Rajamouli’s most awaited film Baahubali which has been under shoot for almost 2 year is ready to hit the theatres on July 10th in Telugu, Hindi, Tamil and Malayalam. The theatrical trailer has been released recently and received a good response and now the first video song of the film titled Mamathala Thalli has been released which is completed filled with mind blowing visuals and stunning action sequences.
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